How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts

When it comes to blogging, I wish I could tell you that “if you build it, they will come,” but crafting the perfect content is only half the battle. The next step is to increase traffic to your blog posts. And not just any people… the right ones, your ideal clients.

Done well, increasing the right traffic to your blog posts can grow the number of subscribers on your newsletter list, boost SEO, increase potential client inquiries, and grow your client roster.

Yes, I’ve personally seen this in action with our interior design clients and with my own business. It works. So, how do you do it? Here are 8 ways to increase traffic to your blog posts…

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Tip 1. Make Sure Your Blog Post is Optimized for SEO

Search engines use features like headings, image alt-tags, and meta descriptions to understand the content of your blog post and decide when to surface the post in search results. Although it takes time to build great SEO, formatting a blog post properly is one of the easiest ways to increase its long-term ability to garner traffic.

You can find more information about formatting a blog post for SEO here or download our Blogging for SEO Checklist below.

Tip 2. Share Your Blog Posts Across Social Media

I would argue that this is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic to your blog posts. In fact, I would say that “website clicks” is the most important social media statistic to measure, not followers.

Your website is the real estate you own, and that’s where potential clients can learn more about you and join your mailing list for longer-term engagement.

As far as social media strategy goes, there are a lot of options and opinions out there. I’ll share what I’ve seen to be effective, but feel free to experiment to discover what works for you and your business.


For Instagram or Pinterest, create a graphic with your blog post’s title or a compelling quote from the post. If your IG squares aren’t conducive to text, no sweat. Share these in your Stories or Reels instead and add a link to your blog post directly. For Facebook or LinkedIn, adding a link to the blog post will auto-populate an image from the post.


The copy or caption of your social media post is important. Imagine that you are your ideal client scrolling away on IG… what’s going to stop you in your tracks and make you pay attention? Fortunately, if you’ve already written a compelling intro to your blog post, your work is already done!

I shared this advice on writing blog post introductions. Then, use your introduction as a “teaser” for the post and add a Call to Action, which is a short statement inviting your audience to take that next step… clicking the link, reading the blog post, etc. (You can read more on Calls to Action here.)


Share your blog post on social media multiple times. Content gets buried quickly, and in any case, it may take several views to finally prompt action. I suggest posting several times on IG (you can schedule these in advance), once per week or twice per month (whichever you’re comfortable with) on Facebook and LinkedIn, and once per day on Pinterest.

Tip 3. Include Blog Posts in Newsletters to Your Mailing List

This method of increasing traffic to your blog posts is probably my favorite one. Not all marketers agree on this, and that’s okay, but I’ve seen good results with it. That said, there is a right and a WRONG way to do it.

To share a blog post in a newsletter, only share a short preview to the post, along with a link to read more. Do not copy-paste your whole blog post in there. It’s too much and not going to be effective in the way that you want. Inspiring readers to click over to your website to read more is also great for building SEO. (Learn more about sharing blog posts in newsletters here.)

Tip 4. Include Blog Posts in a Nurture Sequence

A nurture sequence, or “welcome sequence,” is a series of emails that get sent to new mailing list subscribers. The first email usually delivers your strategic lead magnet or free resource, and the following emails share more valuable information and deepen the connection with you over time. 

A nurture sequence is a GREAT way to share helpful blog posts, increase traffic to those posts, and build the know-like-trust relationship between you and a potential client. Win-win. You can learn how to create an effective nurture sequence here.

Tip 5. Add a Blog Post or Two to Your Client Process

Your client process starts when a potential client books that first discovery call with you and ends when they sail off into the sunset with their new, fabulous space. Everything that happens in between — getting a Services Packet, Proposal, Welcome Guide, Weekly Updates, or Final Wrap-Up Packet — is an opportunity to make your client feel as supported as possible. (More on building a luxury client process here.)

Yes, this process can include blog posts! Topics like “how to work with an interior designer” or “what to expect during a renovation” or “how to care for your professionally designed home,” these are all topics that would appeal to someone looking for an interior designer AND those who are already in the process. You know I love content that does double or triple duty.

Bonus: You’re increasing blog post visibility, which increases SEO, which increases the number of potential clients likely to discover you online.

Tip 6. Make Each Blog Post More Engaging

Like formatting for SEO, there are several small things that you can do within a blog post to increase traffic to other posts and content on your site. This can include…

  • Adding links to other content throughout site as appropriate (see all the links in this blog post for an example!)
  • Including a section at the bottom of your blog post with similar content (use the “Summary” block in Squarespace, download a WordPress plugin, or ask your website designer to include it)
  • Add a sidebar with highlighted content and blog posts
  • Embed short video clips if you have them
  • Share links to portfolio projects (below any images used) or your services
  • Include an author bio (again, see this blog post for an example) that has a link to learn more about you

Tip 8. Link Your Latest Blog Post in Your Email Signature

This last one is just for fun! Although not at all essential, you can link to your latest blog post (or one that is perfect for potential/current clients) directly in your email signature. Since it’s likely that you only email people who care about what you do, they may just click the link and go give it a read.

There you have it — 8 ways to increase traffic to your blog posts. Pick your favorites or employ all of these strategies for blog posts that get seen AND contribute to your bottom line.

Need help with content marketing? You can browse our content marketing services here.







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