Nurturing a mailing list of high-quality potential clients can be an invaluable asset to your interior design business — one with long-lasting positive ripple effects:

Attract the right people + projects

Get more informed prospects on discovery calls

Forge a strong connection with you

Help avoid industry slow-downs

Establish a high-end look + feel

No ongoing maintenance required

grow a mailing list of perfect-for-you clients
make your website work for you.
Here's how we do it...

Our templates are the ONLY options out there with content and messaging that directly targets interior designers' most desired clientele:

client-specific content is what makes the difference.
1. affluent familIES WITH CHILDREN

2. high-achieving professionals

3. current or soon-to-be retirees

This level of specificity is what makes our lead magnets and welcome sequences so effective. They show your potential clients that you understand them, connect with them, and can serve them beautifully.

Meet Our lead magnet marketing system
how it works

3 Lead Magnet Template Options...

  • Designed to attract 1 of 3 ideal client profiles
  • Professional, easy-to-customize copy
  • Design reflects your high caliber projects
  • Speaks to a full-service design or decorating client
  • Establishes the value of your expertise
  • Both inspirational and actionable

...Paired with an Accompanying Welcome Sequence

  • Nurtures a mailing list of ideal prospects
  • Builds trust in your design expertise
  • Educates potential clients on working with a designer
  • Shares before + after project stories
  • Set it up once + let it work for you!

Join our private launch October 1st–4th for first dibs and VIP rates!

fully customizable.

designed to be timeless.

options for support.

Each template includes professional copy, beautiful design, and strategic areas for personalization.

No trendy jargon or design here. Implement your high-end templates once + let them work for you.

If you want hands-off, done-for-you customization and implementation, we're here for that, too. 

get the highest quality of templates out there.
leverage our 7+ years of working with custom clients
get early access

strategy, experience, & deep industry knowledge.

When you choose to invest in our templates, you're choosing a team with a combined 20+ years of experience in marketing and 10+ years of experience in the interior design industry.

We know your struggles, your dream clients, and what can help a client relationship flow smoothly. Yes, marketing is about attracting and nurturing prospects into clients — but it also sets you up for the best possible experience when their project begins.

Our templates are a result of 7 years of custom work and a refusal to create "just another template." Strategy is infused into every line of copy and every content decision. We hope using them brings you pride, ease, and above all — more of your favorite clients.

With love,

With us, you get